This post is about how to pass command-line arguments to clojure scripts. I'm writing it because I wasn't able to find out how to do so until I stumbled across the patch adding command-line arguments to Clojure.
My setup is for linux (Fedora 10) and includes clojure, clojure-extra, and clojure-contrib. I recommend following Clojure on Ubuntu, even if you aren't using Ubuntu (it works fine with Fedora 10, for instance).
All command-line arguments are stored in the global variable *command-line-args*, which is a list where each argument is a string. Here's what the command-line call needs to look like:
clojure script -- [arg]
where script is the .clj file and each arg is a command-line argument.
For instance,
(println (reduce + (map read-string *command-line-args*)))
clojure add-all.clj -- 1 9 6
Note that the "--" is very important. Without it clojure thinks the args are scripts.
For command-line argument handling, see clojure.contrib.command-line, in the clojure-contrib library. It contains this usage example:
(with-command-line *command-line-args*
"tojs -- Compile ClojureScript to JavaScript"
[[simple? s? "Runs some simple built-in tests"]
[serve "Starts a repl server on the given port" 8081]
[mkboot? "Generates a boot.js file"]
[verbose? v? "Includes extra fn names and comments in js"]
(binding [*debug-fn-names* verbose? *debug-comments* verbose?]
simple? (simple-tests)
serve (start-server (Integer/parseInt serve))
mkboot? (mkboot)
:else (doseq [filename filenames]
(filetojs filename)))))
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